Educación, cultura y sociedad: Una mirada desde la producción científica

Education, culture and society: a look at scientific production

Educación, cultura y sociedad: Una mirada desde la producción científica
    • Colaboradores
    • Gerardo Luis Angulo Cuentas (Autor)
    • Ernesto Amarú Galvis Lista (Autor)
    • Mayda Patricia González Zabala (Autor)
    • Libardo José Escobar Toledo (Autor)

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This bibliometric analysis is aimed at Science, Technology and Innovation actors and is intended to provide information on scientific activity to support the design, monitoring and evaluation of strategies, programmes, instruments and specific actions in the formulation and implementation of projects related to education, culture and society. This book is the result of the analysis of trends in global scientific production in five areas related to education, culture and society. 

The selection of these areas under study was made in relation to the thematic areas reported by the Scopus database for the publications of the Universidad del Magdalena. In relation to the overview of the scientific productivity of the Universidad del Magdalena in Scopus, during the period 1986-20161 a total of 455 documents were registered, classified in 24 thematic areas: (i) Agriculture and Biological Sciences, (ii) Arts and Humanities, (iii) Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, (iv) Decision Sciences, (v) Computer Sciences, (vi) Earth and Planetary Sciences, (vii) Materials Sciences, (viii) Environmental Sciences, (ix) Social Sciences, (x) Economics, Econometrics and Finance, (xi) Energy, (xii) Nursing, (xiii) Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics, (xiv) Physics and Astronomy, (xv) Engineering, (xvi) Chemical Engineering, (xvii) Immunology and Microbiology, (xviii) Mathematics, (xix) Medicine, (xx) Business, Management and Accounting, (xxi) Neuroscience, (xxii) Dentistry, (xxiii) Psychology and (xxiv) Chemistry. Thus, the study includes a review of a total of 1,018,350 records, distributed in the following five areas: (i) Arts and Humanities, (ii) Social Sciences, (iii) Physics and Astronomy, (iv) Mathematics and (v) Chemistry. These five Scopus areas, selected for the analyses in this book, were based on the areas of knowledge addressed by the academic units of the faculties of Humanities, Basic Sciences and Educational Sciences of the Universidad del Magdalena. 

The document is structured as follows: first, the search, download and data processing methodology is presented. Then, the scientific trends in each Scopus area are presented and the calculation of bibliometric indicators is also shown, with the aim of identifying the behaviour of the areas in the period between 2014 and 2016. Subsequently, a final analysis shows the concurrence of the areas studied and, finally, conclusions of general interest are presented. Each thematic area is addressed independently and, in the conclusions chapter, a brief account and implications of the overall results are presented. 

It is hoped that this book will become a reference document for Science, Technology and Innovation actors interested in issues related to education, culture and society, providing information on the scientific situation of a country or research topic and allowing the performance of scientific activity and its impact on the community to be evaluated.  

  • EDU037000 EDUCACIÓN > Investigación (Principal)
  • 607 Tecnología (ciencias aplicadas) > Tecnología general > Educación, investigación, temas relacionados (Principal)
Estado: Activo
ISBN-13: 9789587461619
Tipo de contenido principal: Texto (legible a simple vista)
Tipo de contenido del producto: Texto (legible a simple vista)
Protección técnica de publicación digital: Ninguno
Idioma del texto: Español
Tamaño del archivo: 0.056 Megabytes (MB)
Número absoluto de páginas: 126 Páginas
Sello editorial: Editorial Unimagdalena
Tipo de edición: Nueva edición
Número de edición: 1
Ciudad de publicación: Santa Marta
País de publicación: Colombia
Fecha de publicación: 2018-11-30
Tipo de restricción de venta: Exclusivo para un punto o canal de venta
Distribuidor de la editorial: Editorial Unimagdalena
Disponibilidad del producto: Disponible. Sin detalles.
Precio: (USD) 6.26

General / "Trade"

Destinatarios del contenido: Sin restricción